Lights Out
"A sea of stars and in your hands is the one thing that could put them all out like a light switch." Jeron admired the device for it's...
In Arms
"Do it... you might as well do it, because if you don't walk away now..." Lane pulled the hammer back on his pistol and aimed straight...
Semi-Annual Mental Wellness And Clarity Test: 4-AB Subject #: 045.5 Age: 34 E.Y. BEGIN TRANSMISSION Day 115 of bed rest. Today my...
A week ago I found a deadzone. I thought it peculiar at first, as I was just worried as to why my phone had dropped a call. When I...
From Ore
I was brought into this world just like everyone else... via mine cart. I don't particularly remember the details, but the prospector...
Final Words
"Let me put this in perspective for you... It's over. All of it. From the second you walked in the door." "There's no way you could have...
Akuma Hantā (悪魔ハンター)
This was her 5th detention this semester for sleeping in class. Megan had been under a lot of stress lately; too preoccupied by her night...
She began as a mere idea, then became a dream. From that dream came inspiration. From that inspiration came action. First was a pencil...
Semi-Annual Mental Wellness And Clarity Test: 4-AB Subject #: 0309.0 Age: 22 E.Y. BEGIN TRANSMISSION It's coming again. It comes every...
Semi-Annual Mental Wellness And Clarity Test: 4-AB Subject #: 0088.1 Age: 72 E.Y. BEGIN TRANSMISSION First button, screen on. Second...