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Lights Out

"A sea of stars and in your hands is the one thing that could put them all out like a light switch." Jeron admired the device for it's simplicity and then snatched it from Allan's hand furiously. "And who in the hell said you could touch it with your grimy hands? Are you thick boy? That flippin' thing could put the world in a dark place, right quick! Don't ever touch it without my permission... hell, don't touch it at all!"

"I wudn't gonna do nuffin' wif it, boss. I swears."

"And I 'swears' you gon' get it good, if I catch you doin' 'nuffin' with it again. You hear me boy?"

Allan's expression was clearer than the blue sky above them. He wasn't the quick sort.

"I said. DO -- YOU -- HEAR -- ME?" Jeron knocked on his head like a residential door.

Allan wasn't home. Allan was never home.

"I'll take your non-response as an assumed yes."

Assumed not.

"Just get ready to rack out early. We're gonna need to ride by nightfall."

Beans and hard tack were the usual fare for supper. The boys traded stories... well, Jeron talked at Allan and he acted like he understood; nervously laughing at everything he thought was a joke and saying "yup" to the end of every phrase uttered. The men shut their eyes for what felt like mere minutes and woke with the moon as it grazed over the treeline.

It was bright. Real bright.

"God damn! How are we gonna make it into the valley? That outpost will see us comin' from a mile away."

"I know! I know!" Allan was sure he'd impress with Jeron with his great idea.

Lights out.

"...and when we get dun wif everyfing, we can turn 'em back on!"

Jeron already has his face deep in his palm. "Allan you're the dumbest flippin' genius."

"Jeron, you are talkin' into your hands again. What did you say?"


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