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"Come with me!" "I'm trying to keep up, Jara, but these old knees began betraying your grandfather long before you were born." Charlie hobbled behind as quickly as he could, while clutching a basket filled with delicious treats. "There's butterflies everywhere, Poppy!" Jara swung out her arms in a pinwheel, precariously waving her dingy teddy bear as a chorus of nature greeted her. "You swing Mags any harder and she'll be too sick for lunch." "She'll be just fine Poppy... we're professionals. We've been practicing forever."

"Forever is an important thing to practice." "Don't be silly Poppy! We practice dancing." The girl giggled at her grandfather and gleamed a hearty smile. "Forever..." She began hopscotching with patches of dirt. "is not" Left foot. "Something" Right foot. "you can" Both feet. "practice." She resumed strolling beside the old man and reached up for his free hand.

Charlie smiled and just then, Jara realized an important question.

"Can you practice 'forever', Poppy?"

"I practice it everyday. When I wake up, when I make your breakfast, when I do my rosary, when I take you to school, when I walk you home, and when I tuck you into bed." "Does that mean you're practicing now?" "It means we're practicing forever."

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