In Arms

"Do it... you might as well do it, because if you don't walk away now..." Lane pulled the hammer back on his pistol and aimed straight between the eyes of his brother."... you're only going to put the rest of us in danger."
Vic wasn't walking away, he never backed down from anything in his life. He knew he'd have to go as far as calling Lane's bluff in order to sell his plan to the rest of the group, so he walked right up to the barrel of the gun and nestled it at the bridge of his nose.
"Don't make me do it!"
"Do what? Shoot? You don't have the stones. I know you don't."
"What makes you so sure of that?"
"Because I wouldn't do it. Even if I had to, I know I'm not capable of killing you. You're my brother."
"You're full of it. The needs of the many always come first and you understand that more than anyone else... including me."
"Then say goodbye. If you mean it, then say goodbye."
Lane slowly slipped the hammer forward and took his finger off the trigger. Vic was right, he couldn't kill his own brother. "I love you, but you're crazy. There's no way this is going to work. We're signing our own execution orders. What happens after? What if we are all saved by this insane idea of yours? How long will we last when it's all said and done? What if he stays?"
"That's a risk we'll have to take. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't."
"No. We're just damned, little brother... But I guess you're right. The only way to kill a god is to summon another one."