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"You're wastin' your money Mick. Nobody wins these things."

"Except for me, babydoll..." Micky took his left hand, stroked it up the side of the arcade game seductively, and then began to hang his pointer & middle fingers from the top corner.

He was in his own world.

"I just think it's far more effective to go out and just buy one of these damn dolls."

"It's not a matter of effectiveness." Micky pushed the red button at the center of the joystick and a claw dropped down to grab a potential prize. "It's the principle of the matter, babe."

No prize.

"You men and your principles..." June was tired of waiting for their buyer. "...and who the hell meets in an arcade?"

"Don't knock it. It's the best place to be." Micky got defensively excited about the rundown arcade he called home. "You got your calzones and pop over at the counter... There's go karts out back... A putt putt course... and heck... you even get a prize once in a while!" Micky leaned down in front of the crane game and pulled a prize out of the machine.

It was ugly, but June realized how right he was when she received his bounty.

"I'll name him Goober."

"What kind of name is Goober?"

"The kind of name that reminds me of his father." June winked at Micky and then grabbed him by the hand.

"Now let's get some lemon ice before business."

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