"It wasn't meant to be this way."
Herman was very unhappy with the outcome.
"I just wanted to be a star! How was I supposed to know I would become this!"
Jinn are far from trustworthy, yet Herman was unaware. He had never held audience with anything more than a television. How did he know he would ever be graced with the mischievous presence of a Jinn?
"This isn't what I wanted! You need to undo this!"
"What has been asked, cannot be unasked. This is the deal and all deal shall be kept."
"But what about other wishes? Don't I get more?"
"Only one is bestowed upon a soul."
"This is nothing like the movies....ugh."
"You asked and I delivered."
"But I didn't mean for it to be like this!"
"You wanted to become the biggest star, everyone could see. Are you not?"
"Well, yes, I suppose..."
"Then why are you displeased? They will all see you and some will even worship you. You have the power they lust for and could never contain themselves. You are a star and you will live on longer than any that ever see you."
"I guess when you put it that way, you're even more right."
"Revel in your new found power and destiny. My job here is done."
The Jinn vanished and left Herman to himself. It would be many years before he would come to terms with his fate, but his narcissism outweighed his need to complain.
After all, what is more famous than becoming the brightest star the world could ever see. What's so bad about being the Sun.