I was no longer flying, the winds were no longer striking my brow, and a sadness crept o'er me as my eyes greeted the first sunlight. My night was over and with it my freedom.
It had been nigh on 30 years since I had touched a cloud or ridden the wind. My bones creaked when I cross'd the room for my daily meal and it seemed that my adventures would never expand pass the horizon of my prison floor.
That's all I ever heard from my captor as he slid my meal through the slot and into my cell.
10,905 days passed. 10,905 meals and the only marker for the passage of time was a crust of bread with a tin of water.
And "Pity."
The walls did not mark and if they did I would've etched my epitaph within the first year, taken my pants as a noose and finished what my incarcerator was unable to do. Luckily my ego was stronger than my will, for if I hadn't the nerve to tell my tale, I wouldn't have spent another day in that cell.
My only hope came each night as I weakened and surrendered to the necessity of sleep. It was there in my slumber that I would dare to plot my escape and it was only there that I could find strength after 30 years of being in a cage. The walls may have locked in my body, but my mind was unbound as I reached beyond the bars of confinement and stretched my thoughts out into the stars.
My mind was free.
For 10,905 nights I approached my escape from every angle as I took each chance at making my freedom a success. It was there in my dreams that I saw you and it was there, on the last night, that I found my courage.
It's now a pity that we have so few seasons to share these moments as the ravages of time take it's toll on my selfish body. I only ask that you do not imprison yourself when I am gone, only think of me when you greet the night with your closed eyes.
Then we can be free together.