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How I came to be, is inessential. What I am now, is the only meaningful part. If it weren't for the misdeeds of my father or the laziness of my mother, I would not be here.

She was once kind and elegant.

He never knew charm or grace.

Somehow luck was favorable to his wants, the same way it was to mine after his demise. He would get an angel and a dream. I would inherit a world.

But at what cost?

The cost was mine to bear, at the discretion of a fool, it's price only shared between a hooligan and his debtor. A villain known by many, yet only explained by some. The pictures and documentation would lead you to believe he was a devil of sorts.

I would call him “Poppa”.

His hands were warm, his eyes always cold, and feathers would fall where he sat. Those that would leave his office happy would call him a saint, whilst those returning on their behalf would brandish him a liar and wish him damnation.

We were already damned.

The price of fortune is even greater for the man who bestows it. There is no humanity for what he does and there will be no salvation for what I do, when I assume his place. God has not forgotten us, he has merely given us a tragic gift. A purpose that is far more dignified than a righteous human existence. For that purpose, I will enact my duty.

For that duty, I will take revelry and joy in.

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